Packing Tips

1.Packing one room at a time

is the best approach. Label each box to which room it goes. A suggested moving idea would be:

  • Do you have items that you really don't use any more? This is the perfect time to unload them or call a local charity to remove these items for you. Do not move items that you don't have room for, that have no sentimental value, or practical purpose. Donating these goods is a tax credit.
  • Draw 2 maps of your new home and assign each room a number. example: Kitchen 1, Dining Room 2, Living Room 3. Master bedroom 4, ... and so on. Clearly mark each box of it's number. Keep one for yourself and give one to the movers so they can easily unload your contents in the appropriate room.
  • When packing your valuables label each box according to where it is to go in your new home.
  • Movers charge by the hour so pack and move as much as you can to the door that they will be using to remove your contents.
  • Do not pack flammable goods or heat sensitive items like candles, records, audio and video tapes, computer disks, propane tanks, aerosol cans, oil based paints and certain cleaning fluids.

2. Important Documents

( Insurance Papers, Birth Certificates, Stock Certificates, fine collectibles and sensitive materials kept on computer disks)

  • You may consider moving these yourself.
  • Or ship by insured postal services.

3.Things to keep on hand

  • Make sure you have paper plates, cups and plastic eating utensils, napkins and paper towels.
  • Keep a can opener on hand, one pot for cooking, scissors, utility knife, dish soap, trash bags and a few towels.
  • Instant beverages such as instant coffee, tea and bottled water.
  • Keep an emergency medical kit available. Make sure your current medication you are taking are packed in it and any other over the counter medication you may need such as aspirin.
  • Basic toiletries and toilet paper